Wednesday, 20 July 2011


This weekend I've been away chilling in Birmingham (and having the ends of my thumb and fingers attempt to grow back a layer of skin after working them so hard) and next weekend shall be off to Wales to see relative people and sheep!
So, tomorrow I aim to knit a load of rings to start them up as a special deal on my Etsy shop - 3 for £3!
This also means that although I intend to leave my shop open (seeing as I'm unlikely to sell anything) I won't be able to ship orders made from this weekend until the start of August.
I just wish I had more time since I just got hold of proper black plastic eyes, and want to make some adorable little creatures with them! Critters and cute things will be back on the agenda once I get back :)

In other news, I'm having another wander around TinyDeal (the Chinese wholesale website) which is full of crazy, cute and awesome things which I am trying not to buy too many of (little bit of a phone charm addiction). But tiny lightsaber looking glowy stick things for 88p each and free p&p on everything is really really tempting... again :D
Long postage time for UK worth it for the prices in my opinion, and I've not had trouble with delivery :)

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