Friday, 19 August 2011

Emergency Crafting!

As a test of my Crafty Mutt skills late on Wednesday evening came an order which needed to be completed as soon as possible! So, under unusual pressure (and with an unusual request) I challenged myself to finish the item within 24 hours of receiving the order... It was close, but I did it ^_^ and posted it this morning!

Some of you may recognise this is not just any first aid kit, but is in fact a cushion based on the Medkit from Left4Dead, I'm really excited to be commissioned to make this sort of thing :P video games tribute products are something I love to do, should anyone else have anything they'd like from a game they love! I personally plan to make a few little Pokémon plastic phone charms to sell for £1

Back to the Medkit, some of you may also have noticed... this isn't knitted! Indeed, as I also like to sew, draw, sculpt and do anything crafty really! I do all sorts of crazy stuff, but so far I mostly offer knit/crochet commissions but I'm also happy to do some sewing projects! Something like this specifically is, as I have found out, much faster to produce than most much smaller knitted things! 

So this specifically, despite being hugely bigger than a lot of my other projects, comes out about £15, whereas something of this size knitted would need to be over £40 because it'd take forever!
I can even sew in two small vertical pockets behind the working zips on the front with secret compartments for a little increase in cost to make it a really exciting product :)

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